Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hey, I think its only right to give you guys an idea of what its like to be us right now. Here are a few things you can do to be with us on the road right now.

1)Pour some gasoline and motor oil into a rag and set it in a small box then crawl into the box to get an idea of the smell in the van.
2)Turn up the heat in your apartment/house to about 100 degrees then buy one of those novelty battery operated fans and hold it three feet from your face to get an accurate feel of the temperature and AC in the van.
3)Eat McDonalds, or Taco Bell, or any greasy Southern food two meals a day everyday.
4)Sweat all day everyday and only take showers or change clothing every few days.
5)listen to these songs non stop.

This ones for you Christy.

Please anyone and everyone comment on this post and give us a song or some songs that you love that you think we should listen to on our trip.

Thank you everyone who is reading.

PS post comments on every blog, we'd love to know that people are reading. MIZ U.


  1. bored games. wild nothing

    perfect for travels yo!

    Also, New Order "Celebration" because the stupid dj at Elysium played the wrong song.

  2. http://vimeo.com/12428605

    Love you boys.

  3. http://vimeo.com/9573594

    Of course.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTfwcLdP5Xk

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnTUSgHzZx0

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nr-SZXIVvuo

  7. dude you forgot gorillaz! melancholy hill. ive also been into the classics like salt n pepper shoop. tlc creep.

    love sean and christy

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obvSFWvgBhg
